Kat Chow is a founding member of the Code Switch podcast team from NPR, and she joins us to tell her story of grief, not only for herself, but for her extended family, spread out across the world.
Read moreYour Brain On Autopilot
This hour, we’ll talk with a sleep expert about how the mind uses dreaming to process day-to-day events and prepare us for the future; we’ll learn how seeing “ghosts” might actually be a by-product of processing grief; and we’ll explore ways to cultivate the mind in order to achieve peak performance.
Read moreWhen Scientists Dabbled In Clairvoyance
Alicia Puglionesi holds a Ph.D. in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology from Johns Hopkins University, and she joins host Krys Boyd to discuss a field of study that tried to make a science of the unexplained.
Read moreGrief’s Impact On The Grieving
Dorothy P. Holinger is a psychotherapist and a fellow of the Association of Psychological Science, and she joins host Krys Boyd to talk about the psychological and physiological changes grief causes and the processes that help the bereaved move through it.
Read moreIt’s Gonna Be OK: You Can Survive Grief
George A. Bonanno, chair of the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Columbia University’s Teachers College, joins us to talk about research that shows a complex pattern of grieving and new insights into resilience
Read moreGrieving Before Someone’s Gone
Pauline Boss, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota, joins us to talk about her work that has helped articulate the lonely and confusing feelings of loss even as someone lives.
Read moreThe Hidden Grief of Miscarriage
Psychotherapist Julia Bueno joins us to talk about the trauma and stigma surrounding the loss of a pregnancy.
Read moreGetting Grief Right
Psychotherapist Patrick O’Malley joins us to talk about how grief is not something to be cured – rather, it’s part of our lasting connection to the ones we’ve lost.
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