Execution Horror

The death penalty has always been controversial, but with recent shortages of lethal injection drugs and a number of questionable occurrences in U.S. death chambers, there’s a new furor.

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The CIA From al Qa’ida to ISIS

Michael Morell was with President Bush on Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists struck the U.S. And he was at President Obama’s side when the U.S. raided Osama bin Laden’s compound. This hour, we’ll talk to the retired deputy director of the CIA about securing peace through back-channel negotiations, which he writes about in The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism–From al Qa’ida to ISIS (Twelve).

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Caring For Our Vets

This hour, from NPR headquarters in Washington, we’ll talk about keeping our veterans healthy and helping them to return to civilian life with Dr. Harold Kudler, chief consultant for Mental Health Services; and Michael Fisher, program analyst for the VA’s Readjustment Counseling Service.

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D.C. On TV And Film

Political television shows such as House of Cards and Veep just wouldn’t feel authentic if they didn’t film at least some of their scenes in the nation’s capital. This hour, we’ll talk about shooting TV and movies in America’s most security conscious city with Angie Gates, director of the D.C. Office of Motion Picture and Television Development; and House of Cards location manager Patrick Burn.

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Serving Texas In The House

With terms lasting just two years, it’s tough to get to know members of the House of Representatives. This hour, we’ll talk with two North Texas members – Rep. Marc Veasey of Texas 33rd congressional district and Rep. Michael Burgess of the 26th – about national issues important to their constituents and about the everyday life of a congressman in Washingto

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So Long, Saigon

The documentary “Last Days in Vietnam” illustrates the tough choices facing American troops during the chaotic final days of the war. This hour, we’ll talk about the film with its director, Rory Kennedy, and producer Keven McAlester.

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The Voice Of Democracy

We’ll talk about how the Nobel Prize winner emerged from 15 years of house arrest to lead her country’s fight for liberty with Rena Pederson, author of “The Burma Spring: Aung San Suu Kyi and the New Struggle for the Soul of a Nation.”

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