How does the aftermath of hurricanes, floods and the like fuel global inequality? We’ll talk about the topic with the author of The Disaster Profiteers: How Natural Disasters Make the Rich Richer and the Poor Even Poorer
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How does the aftermath of hurricanes, floods and the like fuel global inequality? We’ll talk about the topic with the author of The Disaster Profiteers: How Natural Disasters Make the Rich Richer and the Poor Even Poorer
Read moreThis hour, we’ll hear from Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy, author of ‘Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution.’
Read moreMichael Morell was with President Bush on Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists struck the U.S. And he was at President Obama’s side when the U.S. raided Osama bin Laden’s compound. This hour, we’ll talk to the retired deputy director of the CIA about securing peace through back-channel negotiations, which he writes about in The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism–From al Qa’ida to ISIS (Twelve).
Read moreFrancisca Thelin managed to leave her home in the Congo behind for a new life in America. As an adult, though, she returned to her homeland with human rights activist Lisa J. Shannon to check in on the family she left behind.
Read moreSunday’s shooting at Garland’s Curtis Culwell Center has brought the national conversation about freedom of speech, ISIS and the future of terrorism to North Texas. This hour, we’ll explore those topics with international terrorism expert Robert Taylor of UTD and Alia Salem of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Read moreThis hour, we’ll talk with Alisa Jordheim, executive director of the Justice Society, on how to spot and advocate for the victims of child trafficking.
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