What can the history of hot-air balloon adventures tell us about the resilience of imagination?
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What can the history of hot-air balloon adventures tell us about the resilience of imagination?
Read moreAnne Rice is the author of more than 30 books, including the bestselling Vampire Chronicles.
Read moreThe Kimbell Art Museum is hosting a blockbuster exhibition of Modern masterpieces on loan from The Art Institute of Chicago. And many of the artists in the show can trace their fame to an important exhibition staged 100 years ago this year.
Read moreJim Lehrer covered the Kennedy assassination for the ‘Dallas Times Herald’ before joining KERA and, ultimately, PBS. And when he’s not bringing you the news, he’s busy writing – most recently, a novel about JFK.
Read moreWe’ve got our sweet tooth primed for the last hour of our broadcast week, on occasion of the Dallas Chocolate Conference and Festival.
Read moreSaxophonist Charlie Parker revolutionized the world of jazz and helped create the bebop sound. We’ll go back to his first few years on the scene with Stanley Crouch.
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Read moreCultural experiences have come to define the Baby Boomers, Generation X and the Millennials. But is it possible that the next generation will be known mostly for its digital connection?
Read moreAre some incentives more effective than others?
Read moreEveryone is lacking something, be it money, time or some other resource. And it turns out that our minds process these shortages in very similar ways.
Read moreIt’s nearly everywhere, but what is the real impact of Japanese anime on our culture and how can we measure it?
Read moreLast week was full of negotiation among lawmakers over the debt ceiling and the government shutdown. And our guest this hour likely has a few tips on how they could’ve come to an agreement a little faster.
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