Handmade In America

Hour 2: In the age of mass production, Tadd Myers traveled around the nation to find people still making handmade objects for his new book “Portraits of the American Craftsman.” This hour he’ll share his stories and talk about some of the people he spoke to along the way.

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Polling The Polsters

Hour 1: When the results of political polls are released, do politicians pay attention to what the public is thinking? A panel of political pollsters join us in studio to get an understanding of how politicians handle public opinion.

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Lost And Found

Hour 1: With the help of smartphones and their GPS capability, it’s hard to imagine getting lost nowadays. We’ll talk this hour with Hiawatha Bray, author of “You Are Here: From the Compass to GPS, the History and Future of How We Find Ourselves” about not being able to stay off the grid.

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Mind The Gap

Hour 1: Matt Taibbi explores the disparity between America’s rich and poor in his new book, “The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap.” We’ll talk this hour about the connection between money and civil rights.

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Rethinking Rehab

Hour 2: Are 12-step programs the best solution for addiction recovery? This hour, we’ll talk with with Dr. Lance Dodes, author of “The Sober Truth: Debunking the Bad Science Behind 12-Step Programs and the Rehab Industry.”

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Among The Wild

Hour 2: What’s it like to own exotic animals as pets? We’ll explore the subject and more with Vince Musi, who photographed a feature story on the topic for the April issue of National Geographic.

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Kids These Days

Hour 1: Are kids today more spoiled than in the past? We’ll find out with Alfie Kohn, author of “The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom About Children and Parenting.”

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Cold War Relations

Hour 1: Suzanne Massie helped stabilize America’s relationship with Russians during the Cold War. We’ll talk with her about how she helped shape American strategy during those turbulent years, which she writes about in her new memoir, “Trust But Verify: Reagan, Russia and Me.”

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America's Debt Issues

Hour 1: What can we learn from times when America practiced responsible financial borrowing? We’ll spend this hour with former Houston mayor Bill White talking about this topic and his new book “America’s Fiscal Constitution: Its Triumph and Collapse.”

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