Shadow of the Silk Road

Getting from East to West used to be an arduous journey, requiring months, great expense, and a fair measure of risk. Today, the only risk is missing a flight or an unexpected delay. Is it still possible to travel as people once did, getting the true flavor of a place and its culture? We’ll spend this hour with acclaimed British travel writer, Colin Thubron, who spent 8 months traveling 7,000 miles on foot, donkey cart, camel, truck and bus for his latest book “Shadow of the Silk Road” (Harper Collins, 2007).

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Dallas County Law Enforcement

In November 2004, Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez was elected Sheriff in Dallas County in a race that many expected her to lose. Sheriff Valdez will join us this evening to talk about the future of Dallas County law enforcement, her 30+ year career, and how she faces the day-to-day challenges of her job.Video Association of Dallas Executive Director, Laura Neitzel will join us during the Scene segment to discuss her film “Bodacious Boots” and to preview the upcoming 20th Annual Dallas Video Festival which takes place from July 31st through August 5th.

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Probing the Mysteries of the World's First Artists

Who were the first artists? What compelled the Cro-Magnon people to leave behind images of their lives in the caves of Spain and France 40,000 years ago? We’ll explore the caves, the paintings, and the artists who made them this hour with Gregory Curtis, who’ll speak to the Boshell Family Lecture Series at the Dallas Museum of Art this evening. His book is “The Cave Painters: Probing the Mysteries of the World’s First Artists” (Knopf, 2006).

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The Summer of Political Discontent

What’s going on in Washington? On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate held an all-night debate on the Iraq War – the latest in a series of challenges. Earlier this month, Harriet Miers, former White House counsel, did not appear for scheduled testimony before the House Judiciary Committee about the firings of federal prosecutors. And on July 2nd, President Bush commuted the sentence of Lewis “Scooter” Libby who was convicted of lying and obstructing justice in a probe into the leak of a CIA operative’s identity late last year. We’ll discuss the current political climate in our nation’s Capitol this hour with Cal Jillson, Professor of Political Science at SMU and Allan Saxe, Associate Professor of Political Science at UTA.

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Women in Law Enforcement

What’s it like to work in law enforcement, if you’re a woman? We’ll examine how women have changed policing and how the career is different for women this hour with Retired Assistant Dallas Police Chief Shirley Gray and active DPD Lieutenant Melissa McGee. They’ll also appear this evening for a program at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.

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The Unlikely Afterlife that Turned a Provincial Playwright into the Bard

How did Shakespeare become the poster-boy of English Literature? Rutgers University Professor of English and Samuel Johnson Scholar, Jack Lynch, has examined the posthumous life of the man whose work almost everyone has read. Lynch will join us this hour to discuss his new book “Becoming Shakespeare: The Unlikely Afterlife that Turned a Provincial Playwright into the Bard” (Walker and Company, 2007).

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28 Stories of AIDS in Africa

AIDS might be just one more issue in a crowded sea for many, but there are 28 million Africans who live with the disease every day. Journalist Stephanie Nolen, Africa correspondent for Toronto’s Globe and Mail, tells 28 stories – one for every million – in her new book “28 Stories of AIDS in Africa” (Walker and Company, 2007). We’ll hear some of those stories this hour.

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My Journey to Discover How the Ingredients Found in Processed Foods Are Grown, Mined (Yes Mined), and Manipulated into What America Eats

What are you eating? No, what are you really eating? Steve Ettlinger decided to explore the truth behind the ingredients label for his latest book “Twinkie, Deconstructed: My Journey to Discover How the Ingredients Found in Processed Foods Are Grown, Mined (Yes Mined), and Manipulated into What America Eats” (Hudson Street Press, 2007). We’ll talk with Ettlinger this hour about what he learned.

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A Portable History of the English Language

It’s often said that the English language is the hardest to learn. What makes English so strange and why does it seem that the language was created without any plan or rules? We’ll find out this hour with Seth Lerer, Avalon Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University and author of “Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language” (Columbia, 2007).

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Dispatches from Bedlam Farm

Got pets? Jon Katz does – four dogs, four donkeys, a cat, several chickens, a herd of sheep, and a giant steer named Elvis – although he considers some of them livestock. Katz, who frequently writes about his menagerie for the online magazine Slate, will be our guest this hour. His latest book about the goings-on his upstate New York farm, is “Dog Days: Dispatches from Bedlam Farm” (Villard, 2007). He appears in Fort Worth this evening.

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Fitness, Kids, and Ancient Art

In the late 60s, Dr. Kenneth Cooper changed the way Americans approach exercise with the release of his book “Aerobics.” Now he hopes to help Texas school children revitalize their health with the Fitnessgram, a multi-platform physical fitness evaluation that Texas schools will implement in the coming year. Dr. Cooper will join us this evening to discuss the program.Dr. Anne Bromberg, Cecil and Ida Green Curator of Ancient and Asian Art at the Dallas Museum of Art, will join us for the Scene segment to preview the new exhibit “From the Ashes of Vesuvius, In Stabiano: Exploring the Ancient Seaside Villas of the Roman Elite” which opened at the DMA this week.

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The International Peace Movement

Is there a path to peace? Where does it begin? According to the organizers of the 3rd International Women’s Peace Conference – in Dallas this week, “the power to make peace happen begins with you.” We’ll spend this hour with Professor Jody Williams, founding Coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997.

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