The Human-Dog Connection

Why do many of us find it difficult if not impossible to live without a dog? We’ll examine this special relationship and its origins with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jon Franklin. His new book is “The Wolf in the Parlor: The Eternal Connection Between Humans and Dogs” (Holt, 2009).

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The Business of the Arts

How can the arts help spur economic growth and what role does business play in fostering a vital arts scene? We’ll talk with Katherine Wagner, the new CEO of North Texas Business for Culture and the Arts. What does jazz improvisation tell us about African-American culture? And how did jazz influence the thinking of authors James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison and Amiri Baraka? Walton Muyumba, UNT professor and author of the new book “The Shadow and the Act: Black Intellectual Practice, Jazz Improvisation, and Philosophical Pragmatism” (Chicago, 2009) will join us for the ArtandSeek segment.

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Thirty Years of Vehicular Hell-bending

Where do freedom and America’s love affair with the automobile intersect? They meet in the brain of P.J. O’Rourke. He’s in town to address the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations about his work with Freedom House on global political and economic freedom. He’s also just published a collection of essays called “Driving Like Crazy: Thirty Years of Vehicular Hell-bending” (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2009). P.J. O’Rourke will be our guest this hour.

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New Thinking About Children

Is it possible that all the traditional wisdom about children is – while not exactly wrong, not exactly right either? We’ll examine the recent scientific evidence this hour with journalist Po Bronson, co-author of the new book “NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children” (Twelve, 2009).

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Plugging into the Sun

Could the sun fulfill our energy needs while solving our global warming problems at the same time? We’ll explore the solar energy world this hour with George Johnson, whose piece “Plugging into the Sun” appears in the September issue of National Geographic Magazine.

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