Best of Think

In a Best of Think program, we’ll talk with Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, CNN Host and author of “The Post-American World” (Norton and Co, 2008). Then in the second half of the hour we’ll talk with Lee Woodruff, life and family contributor for ABC’s Good Morning America and author of book “Perfectly Imperfect: A Life in Progress” (Random House, 2009).

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The Amazing Journey of American Women

How have the roles of women changed in the last fifty years? We’ll talk this hour with New York Times columnist Gail Collins. Her new history of the feminist movement is “When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present” (Little, Brown and Company 2009).

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Becoming a Show Business Legend

How does a performer go from Wall Lake, Iowa to a multi-platinum recording career and a two-decade headlining gig at Las Vegas’ Caesar’s Palace? We’ll find out this hour with the legendary Andy Williams whose new memoir “Moon River and Me” (Viking, 2009) is just out.

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