Food, Food, Food!!!

What’s the latest and greatest on food? We’ll cover everything from Bristol Bay, Alaska, home of the biggest wild salmon run to easy baking strategies and “weapons-grade ratatouille” this hour with Francis Lam, senior writer at

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Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance

How does our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being influence our productivity as professionals and citizens? We’ll spend this hour with Tony Schwartz, founder and president of The Energy Project and author of the new book “The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance” (Free Press, 2010).

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From the archives: A Conversation with Greatness

From the archives – How has the job of reporting the news changed in the last three decades and what’s it like to have your voice on public radio listeners’ answering machines all over the country? We found out earlier this summer with Carl Kasell, former NPR newscaster and official judge and scorekeeper for NPR’s weekly news quiz show, Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!

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This week, host Krys Boyd talks with City Manager Mary Suhm about the painful process of cutting more than 130 million dollars from the strapped city budget. No one escaped the fallout including police officers and firefighters. Find out what it means to public safety and city services in the coming year. And Jerome Weeks talks to Katherine Wagner, CEO of Business Council for the Arts, which just calculated the impact the arts have on North Texas’ economy.

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America's Global Leadership in a Cash-Strapped Era

What does the economy mean for the future of U.S. military operations and other foreign policy initiatives overseas? We’ll spend this hour with Michael Mandelbaum, the Christian A. Herter Professor and Director of the American Foreign Policy program at the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies and author of the new book “The Frugal Superpower: America’s Global Leadership in a Cash-Strapped Era” (Public Affairs, 2010).

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The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Where did Middle East conflict begin? We’ll travel back to 1917 London this hour and discuss the first official Western effort to establish a Jewish National Homeland with Georgia Tech historian, Jonathan Schneer. His new book is “The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict” (Random House, 2010).

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Growing, Making & Tasting Chocolate

What’s great about chocolate? Where is the best cacao grown and what goes into getting it on the plate? We’ll discuss every step of the process this hour with chocolate expert Adrienne Newman, Wiseman House Chocolatier Kevin Wenzel and Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek Executive Pastry Chef David Collier. They’re all participants in this weekend’s Chocolate Conference 2010.

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Adventures in the Margin of Error

How hard is it for you to admit you’re wrong when you’re wrong and why are we, as humans, so bad at accepting our errors? Kathryn Schulz looks into this phenomenon regularly on her Slate blog “The Wrong Stuff.” Her new book is “Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error” (Ecco, 2010). We’ll talk with her this hour.

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Audrey Hepburn & the Dawn of the Modern Woman

Where and when did the modern American woman emerge in pop culture and society? According to journalist Sam Wasson, it had a lot to do with the silver screen character Holly Golightly. Wasson will join us this hour to discuss his new book “Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M.: Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and the Dawn of the Modern Woman” (Harper, 2010).

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