The Great Heat Wave of 1896

Can natural disasters change history and influence politics? We’ll explore the impact of a 19th Century New York City event that claimed nearly 1300 lives and shaped early 20th Century America with historian Edward Kohn, author of “Hot Time in the Old Town: The Great Heat Wave of 1896 and the Making of Theodore Roosevelt” (Basic Books, 2010).

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An Extraordinary New Map of the Universe

How is our understanding of the universe evolving? We’ll discuss the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and what it means to astronomy this hour with science writer Ann Finkbeiner, author of the new book “A Grand and Bold Thing: An Extraordinary New Map of the Universe Ushering In A New Era of Discovery” (Free Press, 2010).

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The Broken Promise of U.S.-Arab Relations

What happened to the once positive opinion of the United States among the people of Arab countries? We’ll talk this hour with Rice University historian and Arab American Educational Foundation Chair of Arab Studies, Ussama Makdisi, author of “Faith Misplaced: The Broken Promise of U.S.-Arab Relations: 1820-2001” (Public Affairs, 2010).

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Advances in Single-Gender Schools

Are students more likely to excel in a single-gender class environment? We’ll explore the advantages and adversities of the all-male or all-female classroom with Vivian Taylor, Principal of the Irma Lerma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School, and Arnold E. Holtberg, Headmaster of St. Mark’s School of Texas. In the Art&Seek segment, we’ll visit Billings Productions in McKinney to learn about the art and science of creating giant dinosaurs.

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Politics & Ballet

Where do ballet and global politics meet? We’ll find out this hour with Ben Stevenson, O.B.E. Now artistic director of Texas Ballet Theater, Stevenson’s work with the Houston Ballet and his experiences with Chinese dancer and defector Li Cunxin are featured in the new film “Mao’s Last Dancer” which opens in theaters on Friday, August 27th.

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The Odyssey of Pat Tillman

What would motivate a super-star athlete to leave his career and join the military? We’ll explore the admirable honor of Pat Tillman this hour with acclaimed writer Jon Krakauer who cover’s Tillman’s life and the U.S. Military and Bush Administration cover-up of the truth about his death in book “Where Men Win Glory” (Anchor Books, Paperback, 2010).

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Transcending Chronic Illness

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 133 million Americans – almost 1 out of every 2 adults – live with chronic illness. We’ll get a view from both sides of the experience this hour with Type I diabetes patient and Harvard Medical School professor Dr. Julian Seifter. His recent book on the subject is “After the Diagnosis: Transcending Chronic Illness” (Simon & Schuster, 2010).

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