How do the selfish and animalistic aspects of our human nature contribute to some of our greatest accomplishments? We’ll discuss that topic with Arizona State University evolutionary psychologist Douglas T. Kenrick.
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How do the selfish and animalistic aspects of our human nature contribute to some of our greatest accomplishments? We’ll discuss that topic with Arizona State University evolutionary psychologist Douglas T. Kenrick.
Read moreWhat caused one of the most famous gun battles in history and how did it shape our view of the American West? We’ll spend this hour with historical journalist Jeff Guinn whose new book is “The Last Gunfight: The Real Story of the Shootout at the O.K. Corral-And How It Changed the American West” (Simon & Schuster, 2011).
Read moreWhat did Hitler’s rise to power mean for Americans working in 1930s Berlin? We’ll look back this hour to 1933 and the experiences of U.S. Ambassador to Germany William E. Dodd.
Read moreHow does emotion affect the accuracy or intensity of a memory?
Read moreHow should countries deal with the inevitability of increasing immigration in a world of growing connectivity and globalization?
Read moreWhat was life really like during the 1890s Alaska and Yukon gold rush?
Read moreHow does a show set in 1931 Berlin shed new light on the early days of the Nazi era and what’s it like for the artists who perform it each night?
Read moreWhat is the individual’s responsibility when it comes to holding corporate entities, public figures and others responsible for their actions – especially in regard to who get’s what?
Read moreWhat are the chemicals, drugs and synthetically-produced products in our lives really doing to our bodies and our health?
Read moreA strong economic partner and security ally of the United States, Australia and the U.S. share similarities in culture, historical background and democratic values.
Read moreAre you considering turning your backyard into an urban farm? We’ll discuss trading the rat race for chickens, goats, bushels of produce and lots of work.
Read moreThe United States may be falling behind overall when it comes to science and math education, but there are a few American kids who are achieving fantastic results in the world of high-stakes pre-college science fair competitions.
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