Gene Sperling, Chief Economic Advisor to Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, joins us to talk about reimagining contemporary capitalism.
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Gene Sperling, Chief Economic Advisor to Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, joins us to talk about reimagining contemporary capitalism.
Read moreAdrienne LaFrance, executive editor of The Atlantic, joins host Krys Boyd to talk specifically about QAnon, whose adherents believe in a “deep state” plot against President Trump.
Read moreToby Muse joins host Krys Boyd to talk about his 15 years living in Colombia observing how the drug trade there operates from the top down.
Read moreAtif Mian, John H. Laporte, Jr. Class of 1967 Professor of Economics, Public Policy and Finance at Princeton University and Director of the Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance at the Woodrow Wilson School, joins us to talk about the short and long-term ramifications of debt on nations and individuals.
Read moreFilmmaker Sasha Achilli joins us to tell the story of one ER doctor in Nothern Italy and her battle to save a daily swarm of incoming patients inside a besieged hospital.
Read moreYale historian Valerie Hansen joins us to talk about the long, winding path to this modern life.
Read moreNoam Shpancer, a professor of psychology at Otterbein University, joins us to talk specifically about the roadblocks that stand in the way of developing resilience in anxious children – and how to overcome them.
Read moreThis hour, we’ll talk about how people’s relationship to the natural world has evolved over time.
Read moreLawrence Wright joins us to talk about his fiction focused on a pandemic upending the world, written months and months before our current crisis.
Read moreJim Krane, Wallace S. Wilson Fellow for Energy Studies at Rice University’s Baker Institute, joins us to talk about the collapse of oil futures, what happened to demand, and how problems in the energy sector affect the larger economy.
Read moreAtlantic staff writer Ed Yong joins us to explain why instead of asking “when will life get back to normal?”, we should focus our energies on incremental steps to a more livable future.
Read moreRob Rapley joins us to talk about Norman E. Borlaug, who won praise for his work on disease resistance crops – which also came with unintended consequences.
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