Mirror Touch

Neurologist Joel Salinas experiences a rare form of synesthesia that causes him to feel the emotional and physical experiences of others. He joins us to talk about using this sixth sense to help patients.

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The ADHD Epidemic

This hour, we’ll talk about why ADHD diagnoses are on the rise – and if there’s cause for concern – with Alan Schwarz, author of “ADHD Nation: Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and the Making of an American Epidemic.”

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The Gender Gap In Cardiology

This hour, we’ll talk about why there are so few female heart doctors, how that effects patient care and what can be done to even out the numbers with Dr. Cara East of Baylor University Medical Center and Dr. Nina Asrani of Texas Health Fort Worth.

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Healthcare Hang-ups

We’ll talk to Dr. Sandeep Jauhar about how the pharmaceutical industry, insurance companies and government policies are affecting patient care, which he writes about in Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician.

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