Journalist Megan Greenwell talks about programs that offer monthly stipends with no strings attached with the hopes of lifting people out of poverty, and why the movement now finds itself at a crossroads.
Read moreThe Answer To Income Inequality? Taxes
Vox senior reporter Emily Stewart joins us to talk about who benefits from tax policy and to make the case that important infrastructure updates could be paid for if we had the political will to adjust the tax code.
Read moreHow Debtors’ Prisons Never Really Went Away
Georgetown law professor Peter Edelman joins guest host Courtney Collins to talk about his call for a renewed focus on people below the poverty line.
Read moreWhat Will Cities Look Like Post-Pandemic
Atlantic staff writer Derek Thompson joins us to talk about how COVID-19 is changing our relationship with the businesses in which we spend our disposable income – and about how that shift affects the places we live.
Read moreIn A Time Of Oversharing, Money Is Still Off Limits
Joe Pinsker, staff writer at The Atlantic, joins us to talk about one of the last American taboos: asking about what’s in someone’s bank account.
Read moreFrom Unemployed To Homeless
This hour, we’ll talk about what it’s like to live life so close to the margin between unemployment and homelessness with Matthew Desmond, co-director of Harvard’s Justice and Poverty project and author of “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.”
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