A ‘Colossal’ Undertaking

With Colossal, the Dallas Theater Center has transformed the Wyly Theatre into a football field to tell the story of a college athlete struggling to overcome a devastating spinal injury. This hour, we’ll talk about how the play examines our favorite sport members of the cast.

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God of Carnage

Hour 2:           How does an actor prepare for a rigorous and intense stage performance day after day? We’ll find out this hour with cast members Hassan El-Amin, Sally Nystuen-Vahle, Christie Vela, and Chris Hury from the current Dallas Theater Center production of “God of Carnage.” https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/dovetail.prxu.org/140/3dc373e3-e514-4988-b828-eb9f02fad96d/KERA_Think_05-29-12_HR_2.mp3

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