As part of KERA’s American Graduate series, we’re partnering with the public radio show Houston Matters for a discussion of how students’ racial backgrounds affect the quality of their schooling.
Read moreA Conversation With John King
John King joins us to talk about the government’s role in education – and about how changing U.S. demographics are affecting our schools.
Read moreA Look At Substitute Teaching
This hour, we’ll talk with Nicholson Baker about the unique view substitute teachers have into our public schools – and about how to improve daily life in the classroom – which he writes about in “Substitute: Going to School With a Thousand Kids.”
Read moreHow To Help Children Cope With Violence
This hour, as part of KERA’s American Graduate initiative, we’ll talk about how we can help young people process the many issues that contribute to these violent acts with a panel of child psychologists.
Read moreThe 50th Percentile
This hour, we’ll talk about why comparisons to the average person are essentially meaningless with Todd Rose, author of “The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness.”
Read moreThe High Cost Of College
As part of KERA’s American Graduate initiative, we’ll talk this hour about the challenges facing colleges, universities and students with Andrew Rossi, director of Ivory Tower, a new documentary on the subject.
Read moreHow We Handle Higher Ed
This hour, we’ll talk about how we educate college students with Wesleyan University president Michael S. Roth. His new book is Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters.
Read moreThe Push For Home Rule In Dallas
We’ll talk this hour about what a home-rule district could look like with reporters covering the issue: KERA’s Bill Zeeble and Tawnell Hobbs and Matthew Haag of The Dallas Morning News.
Read moreAnother Go At Graduating
For students who face incredible challenges at home, sometimes dropout prevention plans aren’t enough.
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