
War Crimes

Prosecuting world leaders for war crimes and genocides requires coordination across borders. We’ll talk about how these legal investigations work – and about how some of the most notorious war criminals of the last century were eventually brought to justice. We’ll be joined by Allan Ryan, producer of the documentary “Dead Reckoning: War, Crime, and Justice from WW2 to the War on Terror.”

Allan Ryan on … 

… why war crimes persist:  

“We have the treaties. We have the resources. We have the forensic experts. We have the judges and the lawyers. We have every tool that we need, human and otherwise, to be far more thorough and far moe effective in prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity. What we lack is the willingness. The political will to bring these resources to bear upon those who have carried out these crimes. … I think until we are more determined until we have more political will and a stronger willingness to bring these resources to bear and to bring people before the bar of justice that these crimes are going to go on.”