Rogé Karma, staff writer at The Atlantic, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss why food and fuel prices don’t factor into core inflation numbers but do influence how Americans feel about the economy.
Read moreAre we worrying our way into a recession?
Ben Casselman, New York Times reporter, discusses a poll that shows voter pessimism – even as wages are rising and unemployment is low – and why that negative outlook could be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Read moreHow COVID-19 Preys On The Marginalized
Ruqaiijah Yearby joins us to discuss how unemployment, lack of affordable housing and other factors lead to health inequities.
Read moreFrom Unemployed To Homeless
This hour, we’ll talk about what it’s like to live life so close to the margin between unemployment and homelessness with Matthew Desmond, co-director of Harvard’s Justice and Poverty project and author of “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.”
Read moreThe Future Of Jobs
As more and more jobs are becoming automated, some workers are becoming obsolete. This hour, we’ll talk about what that means for the future of our workforce with Derek Thompson, whose story “A World Without Work” appears in The Atlantic.
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