What happens when nearly thirty thousand plastic animals spill from a freighter in the North Pacific? We’ll talk with Donovan Hohn, whose new book is “Moby-Duck: The True Story of 28,800 Bath Toys Lost at Sea and of the Beachcombers, Oceanographers, Environmentalists, and Fools, Including the Author, Who Went in Search of Them” (Viking, 2011).
Read moreThe Synthetic Wilderness of Childhood
What happens when 28,800 plastic animals spill from a freighter in the North Pacific? Donovan Hohn writes about a 1992 spill, the incredible voyage of these bath toys, and the implications they caused him to consider in his article “MOBY-DUCK Or, The Synthetic Wilderness of Childhood” which appears in the January issue of HARPER’S Magazine. Hohn will be our guest this hour.
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